Product Detail

Visual Grasp 4 Accounting Software 15 Lics
$10,220.00 CDN EA
$8,383.08 USD EA

This product is the core and center of Visual Grasp. It provides the General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Order Entry, Inventory Control and Purchase Order Functions. It is a prerequisite product for most of the Visual Grasp Add-on packages and available in user license packs of 1, 3, 5, 10, 25, 50 licenses.

GENERAL LEDGER Specifications

·      ·   Realtime accounting
·         Multi-user AND Multi-currency (Licensing per CONCURRENT USER or per COMPUTER)
·         FAST data entry screens using mouse and/or enter key.
·         12 or 13 period accounting.
·         Multiple bank accounts each with own cheque numbering and EFT capability
·         Up to 1,111,110 Account /Department Codes
·         Account Code 3 to 6 characters.
·         4 character Department Codes.
·         On Screen Bank Account Reconciliation.
·         Setup and manage "Repeating Entries"
·         Account Re-allocation (ie distribute a percentage of an expense to various department overheads)
·         Print cheques DIRECTLY from General Ledger as well as Accounts Payable.
·         Perpetual G/L. No Year Ends . Be up to date all the time.
·         Numerous reports including User-defined Management Reports.
·         Change G/L Account Codes and all historical information follows the change automatically.
·         Ad-hoc report generator and build in Report Designer.
·         MARIA© (Management and Report Intelligent Analyzer) tracks and compares 19 different financial ratios automatically. Have greater confidence and insight into the essence of your financial statements.
·         Report on and Post to accounting entries in any fiscal year (appropriate security required of course)
·         Significant Changes and Deviations report, highlights oddities to attract your attention to transactions or actions that are outside the norm.
·         MARIA© Onscreen Monitor allows overall viewing of the up to the second pulse of the company.
·         All entries stamped with the Users Login ID and their unique Session ID for full audit control.
·         Custom design your Cheques, Financial Statements, Invoices, Order Confirmations, I/C Labels, Shipping Labels, Purchase Order, Customer Statement and more.
·         Crystal Reports engine available


·      ·   Customer/Supplier Code 8 Alpha-num. Chars.
·         1 Billing & multiple Shipping Addresses for Customers.
·         Lots of room for address & contact.
·         Notepad for each Customer/Supplier
·         Up to 9 A/R and 9 A/P Control Accounts.
·         See Customer/Supplier Performance summary at a glance.
·         Lookup Customer/Supplier details, ledgers, and phone numbers quickly and easily
·         Track up to 9 different taxes through 200 Tax Calculation formulas to calculate and report on taxes easily and accurately
·         Change Customer/Supplier Code at any time.
·         Up to 500 A/R and 500 A/P Payment Terms.
·         Calculate early payment discount automatically.
·         Aged reports by Invoice Date & Due Date.
·         Customer/Supplier transactions on line all the time... forever.
·         Sales Reports by Salesperson included.
·         A/R has powerful Collection Manager tool built in which can optionally interface to the Visual Grasp CRM product.
·         Unallocated payments easily posted.
·         Manual discounts quick and easy to post.
·         Select automatic Overdue Interest Calculation by Customer.
·         Prints User defined A/P Cheques & A/R Statements.
·         Merge redundant or duplicate Customer records including their history into a single record.
·         Customer specific messages when accessed through Order Entry.
·         Use in conjunction with VG CRM software to manage CRM funtions including sales, marketing AND collections
·         Email Invoices automatically to customers
·         EFT Payments and email payment advices to Suppliers
·         Export Collection Tags to VG CRM software to manage collection activities

ORDER ENTRY Specifications

·      ·   Checks and tracks Backorders.
·         Tracks Serial Numbers.
·         Plenty of override-able defaults.
·         Checks selling vs. cost on order.
·         Issue and track Quotations.
·         Inventory and Misc. Items.
·         Text Lines on order and invoice supported
·         Have comprehensive "Technical-type" notes print automatically for specific products from the Items notepad.
·         Reprint Orders & Invoices at any time.
·         Drop-shipping easy with Visual GRASP© Order Entry.
·         Negative dollar Items allowed for credits and return of merchandise tracking
·         Fully integrated with A/R, G/L, O/E, I/C modules.
·         See selling price history by Customer for specific Items.
·         See buying history of Client on screen or printed.
·         Load a Bill of Materials onto a Sales Order or Quote as a list of goods which can then be altered.
·         Be warned of insufficient stock levels with information such as quantity on order and historical lead time.
·         Sell in a variety of Unit Measurements.
·         Copy and reuse quotes.
·         Design and print Invoice, Quote, Work Order, Packing Slip and Shipping Label.
·         Print Invoices and "Pro-Forma" Invoices.
·         Integrates with GraspWEBT for Customers placing orders or RFQs on your website.
·         Ship from multiple locations.
·         Track Date to Ship for advance orders
·         Popup Customer Specific messages when entering a new Order.
·         Take payments directly from Order Entry if you are licensed for the Point of Sale module
·         Up to 5 different Invoices can print automatically and automatic emailing of Sales Invoice to customer when selected.


·      ·   Change your Item Codes and have all history follow the change automatically.
·         16,711,000 items.
·         Item Code - 16 alphanumeric.
·         See Sales Performance on screen or printed.
·         Serial Number tracking. Manufacturer supplied or internally generated.
·         Up to 1,000 I/C Control Accounts for G/L Integration.
·         LIFO, FIFO, and Weighted Average Costing Methods.
·         Inventory & "Non"-Inventory Items for O/E Integration.
·         Set up a default markup matrix for graduated default pricing based on Most Recent Cost, Average Cost or Highest Historical Cost
·         Up to 10,000 I/C Categories.
·         Set up Item shelf lives to track their expiry date by date of receipt
·         Print I/C Labels for received product
·         9 Price Levels + Sale Price.
·         Establish Special and Contract pricing for specific Customers based on set price, dollar markup from cost or percentage markup from cost.
·         Sell by different Measurement Units... Visual GRASP© will handle static or dynamic conversions automatically!
·         Powerful Bill of Materials and OTB Tracking including stage tracking to assist is tracking build process progression.
·         See I/C stock by location and perpetual costing and purchase history.
·         45+60 chars. of description + 16,000 character notepad for each item.
·         Costing & Pricing to 4 decimal places.
·         Min./Max. Stock Levels.
·         Min/Max by Location AND Season
·         Alternate Item Lookup.
·         Global Price and Cost Changes screen.
·         Serial Numbers can be Manufacturer Supplied, Generated Internally by Product or by System.
·         Powerful costing and stock movement auditing.
·         Up to 999,999 I/C Locations.
·         Up to 100,000 Unit Codes.
·         Lookup purchase and sales information by serial number.
·         User warned of cost fluctuations and can immediately update selling prices proportionately.
·         Recommended Order report assists purchasing.
·         See who buys a product.
·         See a chronological listing of a customer's purchases.
·         Import count files from CSV files (for mobile/remote computing).
·         Unlimited user defined Item Price List or Catalogue Reports
·         Powerful ability to port selected items to the Web using our powerful GraspWEBT product.
·         9 photos/graphic files attached to each Item
·         Design and print product catalogues with customer specific pricing.
·         Interface with GraspWEBT to create a live online catalogue/store for selected products on your website.

PURCHASE ORDER Specifications

·      ·
    Design your own Purchase Order form and print to printer, fax or email as a PDF.
·         Use Purchase Orders for both Inventory and non-stock items such as office supplies.
·         Purchase Orders can also be used to track items returned to a Supplier for credit or replacement.
·         Receiving can post A/P Invoice when goods are received, or hold off A/P posting so that the receiving slip can be matched to the Supplier's invoice later.
·         Alter the items on a P.O. when Supplier ships an alternate product.
·         Factor in allowances for currency exchange, duty, broker, shipping, and miscellaneous costs to generate a true landed cost .
·         Integrates fully with A/P, I/C, and G/L modules.
·         Remembers the last price paid to a supplier and warns of costing changes.
·         Checks and tracks Backorders.
·         Tracks Serial Numbers.
·         Plenty of override-able defaults.
·         Check cost against historical cost from all and single Supplier when ordering
·         Have orders drop-shipped at your Customer s location
·         Negative dollar Items allowed for credits and return of merchandise tracking
·         Receive an entire PO at the click of a button

Visit for all details

System Requirements
Windows 10, Windows 8 (32/64 bit, does not include RT), Windows 7 (Home premium or higher, 32/64 bit), Windows Server 2017, 2016, 2012, (32/64 bit)
Windows Server 2008 (including R2 and x64) ,

SQL (optional)
MS SQL Standard or Express versions 2008 - 2017
(Requires Microsoft ODBC version 13 or higher)
Other SQL support details available on request

Windows Terminal Services (optional)
Windows Terminal Services are supported when using Windows Server 2017, 2016, 2012 or 2008.

Citrix XenApp (optional)
Citrix XenApp is supported when used in conjunction with other supported Windows operating systems.

Intel Pentium-based PC (or higher)

RAM 512 Megabytes minimum

Hard Disk Space
200 Megabytes Note: Long file name support is required.

SVGA 1024 x 768 (or higher)
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